Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hi, and welcome to Cheap Reloading. I'm glad you found the site, and I hope you will return often.

I have been reloading for quite a few years, and to me, it is a hobby in itself, rather than just a way to save money on ammunition. In fact, if it weren't for my reloading hobby, I probably wouldn't enjoy the shooting sports nearly as much as I do! Don't get me wrong; I love shooting, but carefully crafting my own ammo adds a whole new dimension.

So what do I mean by "cheap" reloading? Well, in addition to reloading, I also cast a lot of my own bullets. That is another enjoyable facet to the hobby, and it also greatly reduces the cost of the resultant ammo. Think about it: currently, a box of 1000 jacketed .30 caliber bullets for your .30/30, for example, runs at least $150. Casting my own ~170 grain bullets from my Lyman #311041 mould, using scrounged wheelweights, lubing the bullets with home-made lube, and making my own gaschecks from soft-drink cans, 1000 bullets could conceivably cost as little as, well, pretty much free, except for a couple hours of my time. And that time is enjoyable time for me, doing something I love. If I then load those bullets into range pickup brass, over just enough Promo powder to give around 1300 fps, I end up with 1000 rounds of .30/30 ammo that is accurate, easy to shoot, a useful power level (about like the old .32/40, which was great for everything up to and including close-range deer), and at a cost of maybe $45-$50. Compare that to today's price of at least $200 for steel-case, non-reloadable 7.62x39, and you start to see the advantages! And of course, you can apply the same savings to reloading the 7.62x39, just as easily.

I will be writing the occasional article about reloading from a standpoint of frugality, while still achieving the performance you need from your handloads. I will also keep an eye on eBay, and post links to good buys that I find there. I can assure you that this service will cost you nothing, if you choose to buy through one of my links; you will be paying the exact same price you would pay by going to eBay and doing the search for yourself. You can also search for other items on eBay, directly from here, by clicking on any eBay link. This is also completely free; it won't cost you anything.

Thanks again for visiting my site. If there is an article you would like to see, questions about anything relating to reloading, or any reloading item you would like me to find for you, just leave a comment at the end of any post.

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